Dr. Grazia Salerno
Academy Research Fellow
@Aalto University
I am a theoretical physicist working on quantum simulations of synthetic matter at Aalto University.
My research topics include topological phases of matter, bound states in the continuum, Floquet physics, non-Hermitian physics, and synthetic dimensions in plasmonics, photonics and ultracold atoms. Curious? Read more about my research, or see my latest publications.
I have obtained about 1m€ in total external funding from competitive national and European fellowships (Marie-Curie, Academy of Finland, and Levi-Montalcini). Read more about my projects.
Want to know what's new?
Chiral edge states in a synthetic dimension with trap states
Topological chiral edge states are a fundamental feature of quantum Hall systems, where they enable robust, unidirectional transport at system...
New preprint on condensation dynamics in a two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide
In collaboration with the CNR Nanotec group in Lecce, we have studied exciton-polariton condensation on a structure that leads to...
Lasing from exceptionally higher order polarization vortices
We generated photonic modes exhibiting a polarization winding akin to “hurricanes” of light in a quasicrystal. Through a careful design...