All News
Chiral edge states in a synthetic dimension with trap states
Topological chiral edge states are a fundamental feature of quantum Hall systems, where they enable robust, unidirectional transport at system boundaries. Experimental realizations in ultracold atomic systems have leveraged synthetic...
New preprint on condensation dynamics in a two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide
In collaboration with the CNR Nanotec group in Lecce, we have studied exciton-polariton condensation on a structure that leads to the formation of multiple condensates on the polariton dispersion in...
Lasing from exceptionally higher order polarization vortices
We generated photonic modes exhibiting a polarization winding akin to “hurricanes” of light in a quasicrystal. Through a careful design of the position of metallic nanoparticles that interact with an...
Grazia invited at the Superfluctuations 2024
This September Grazia is an invited speaker at the SuperFluctuations 2024 conference, jointly organized in Salerno by University of Salerno, University of Camerino, University of Padova, and CNR-SPIN. Grazia will...
Grazia invited at META2024
This July Grazia will participate in the 14th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics META24 held in Toyama, Japan. She will give an invited talk to the SP10...
Grazia invited at the MPIKPS International workshop GEONEQ24
This June at the Geometry and non-adiabatic responses in non-equilibrium systems workshop held at the Max Planck Institute for Complex Physics in Dresden, Germany, Grazia will talk about “Quantum Geometry...
All-optical switch at the two-photon limit
As part of my Marie-Curie Action TEBLa, I explore the properties of a photonic system on a lattice.
Welcome Xinyi!
Xinyi Yuan is joining my group from November 1st to work as a PhD student on the Academy of Finland project.
Drude weight and the many-body quantum metric published
As part of my Marie-Curie Action TEBLa, I explore the superfluid properties of a many-body bosonic system on a lattice in connection with the many-body quantum geometric tensor.
Bloch Oscillations in Synthetic dimensions is now published
As part of my Marie-Curie Action TEBLa, I explore properties of bosonic lattices in synthetic dimensions.
Grazia invited at the Humboldt Kolleg on Synthetic Quantum Matter
This July at the Humboldt Kolleg on Synthetic Quantum Matter held in Vilnius, Lithuania, Grazia will talk about Topological bound states in the continuum of plasmonic lattices.
New article on superfluidity in flat band condensates
As part of my Marie-Curie Action TEBLa, I am thrilled to investigate the role of the quantum geometry in the properties of Bose-Einstein condensates in flat bands.
Awarded the Academy of Finland Research Fellowship
My project was funded for 641.466,00 euro by the Academy of Finland Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering.
Talk at APS March Meeting
This March Grazia will give a talk in Las Vegas at the APS March Meeting. See you there!
Awarded IOP Trusted Reviewer status
I’ve been awarded the IOP Trusted Reviewer status, for having demonstrated a high level of peer review competence, with the ability to critique scientific literature to an excellent standard. View...
Salernitani nel mondo
I was interviewed by an Italian radio program on Radio Alfa to talk about my research and in general about my life as a researcher living away from Italy and...
Topological transition in lasing from BIC modes published in PRL
As part of my Marie-Curie Action TEBLa, I am thrilled to investigate the role of topology in lasing effect of nanoscale photonic systems.
Grazia invited to the Irish Theoretical Physics Conference
This May at the Irish Theoretical Physics Conference held at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies in Ireland, Grazia will talk about Quasi-BIC mode lasing in plasmonic lattices.
Lasing from a bound-state in the continuum of a plasmonic lattice published
As part of my Marie-Curie Action TEBLa, I am thrilled to investigate the role of topology in lasing effect of nanoscale photonic systems.
Sant Feliu
BEC is a biennial conference on Bose-Einstein Condensation open to all scientists interested in this field. This outstanding scientific forum provides participants with the possibility to share the latest developments....
Follow Grazia's talk
This June Grazia is invited to talk at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics on a program on Interacting Topological Matter: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Systems.
Project TEBLA starts
My Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action on Topological Effects in Bosonic LAttices (TEBLA) officially starts today!
Landau levels observed in strained photonic honeycomb lattices
Read about our work recently published on Light: Science & Applications in a Special Issue on the “Topological photonics and beyond: novel concepts and recent advances”: Direct observation of photonic...
Paper on bound-states published!
Check out our work about Interaction-induced lattices for bound states: Designing flat bands, quantized pumps, and higher-order topological insulators for doublons
Floquet nodal rings and nodal spheres characterized with the quantum metric!
Our new work about: Floquet-engineering of nodal rings and nodal spheres and their characterization using the quantum metric
Quantum Hall conductance in a 1D wire? You shake it!
The quantum Hall effect manifest itself when electrons are confined to two dimensions and immersed in a magnetic field: the electrical conductance takes precisely quantized values, and thanks to its...
This is my new website!